What is Techno-Druidism.

Techno-Druidism is the acknowledgement that the Psychic, Magick and ancient works of the Druids  and Cole-Men (Ice Age) was and is a Science.

The practice what we call Techno-Druidism  uses both Modern Science and the Ancient Occult Sciences in Alchemical and Psychic forms Magick and Divination. This translates to we use any and all things that work from above or below, if the price is right and the Karma fair.

Ancient Druids were great users of Natural Energies in what seem like Magick ways but really is just a very expanded multi dimensional science. Most today have hear of Hoodoo and Vodou, but few really know that long be before even the Iron Age there was DruiDo and the hidden powers of the Ley.

"I am a Druid; I am an architect; I am a prophet; I am a serpent" and I still walk the way of the Ley. 

TDK  / The Druid King - Techno-Druid

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