Craeftgemot Witancoveyne's I.V.C.G. International Virtual Church and Grove

February, 01, 2016
Introduction to:
Craeftgemot Witancoveyne's I.V.C.G. International Virtual Church and Grove.

The Facebook group "How to be a Druid, Virtual Church and Grove" was founded by founding members of a very private Druidic Order, “Craeftgemot Witancoveyne  a “Druid Church and School” in America."

This Virtual Church and Grove was created to help those on their Druid Ley that have come to the How to be a Druid Facebook group to learn and share.

In order to better service this Public International effort,  
Craeftgemot Witancoveyne has agreed to add it into a Special Category  of its Groves and Services. This Virtual category, while not have the same rights, privileges and access of normal (private) membership in  Craeftgemot Witancoveyne, it does allow Craeftgemot Witancoveyne to share a bit more of its teachings and practices with members C.W. I.V.C.G., while not requiring the normal, serious commencement or support of Craeftgemot Witancoveyne.  

Craeftgemot Witancoveyne  Introduction:
“ Craeftgemot Witancoveyne ” is a “Druid Church and School” in America.

Founded in the early 1970's in Deerfield Beach Florida and received its 501c3 status from the United States Internal Revenue Service as a Druidic Religious Church and School. In the 1970's also.

Craeftgemot Witancoveyne  both practices and teaches what it refers to as Techno-Druidism.

As defined for and by Craeftgemot Witancoveyne is a blend of Ancient Druidic and Celtic Religious, Legal (Brehon - ancient Irish, Welsh and other Gallica Laws etc) and Tribal Social Practices of the Archaic Proto-Indo-European Past, as best as they can be known and useful in our Modern World.

Plus other Ancient Occult Sciences, Mystery Schools and Religions. Mixed and expanded with Modern, Science, Physics, Psychological, Psychic and Parapsychologist studies, knowledge and theories.

The practices and beliefs of Craeftgemot Witancoveyne are best summed up it its simple “Druid's Rede”

>> The Druid's Rede

We are Druids.

We are the caretakers of the Earth.

We feed the hungry, heal the sick or injured and aid the despondent.

Whether Human, Animal, Insect, Reptile, Bird, Fish or Plant.

This is the Mandate, our purpose.

We are the nexus of all living and non-living beings.

By the will of the Earth we exist.

By our will the Earth flourishes.<<

Copyright Janice King 04-20-2015
AKA Janice Scott-Reeder Driuidess / Witch Profession Psychic Reader and Astrologist. Founder and Ollam of Craeftgemot Witancoveyne Inc (c), Which Way Witch Way (c) Publication, Science of Self Centers (c), owner Cosmic Salamander Inc.

Druidism in general is well summed by by this Definition from “Tadhg MacCrossan, 1993”

>> The Cultural and Spiritual heritage of the Celtic Peoples, a Polytheistic Religion originating in the Archaic Proto-Indo-European Past.<<

Moon Rising, Babel Risen


(The Druid King) aka George King
Druidic (Host) of the CW IVCG.


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