History of the “Druid's Rede”

Written by Janice Scott-Reeder King on April 20, 2015

I have been for some time working on a public “Lebor Druidic” or Book of Druidism.

Politicians Lawyers and Governments are well versed in the Abramic or the three religions of the Book.

As they have and accepted sets of text or rules of behavior. Of course full of contradictions and as always a pick and choose what fits your position or goals kind of thing.

So when “90-year-old man, 2 pastors charged with feeding homeless in Florida” near us.

They, of course, had a very clear and Moral defense in their religion's book (Bible) to call on.
Yet this sort was not easy or possible (to my knowledge) for most Druids, Heathens, Witches or other Pagans.
Yet the Witches Rede is somewhat well known and often quoted as a behavior model or a defense for those in the craft. ( Rede was first publicly recorded in a 1964 speech by Doreen Valiente ) .

It was clear that the “Greater Druidica” needed a Druid's Rede. Something our own Orders members could use, yet generic enough for any Order or Solitary Druid to use as a written rule of required Druidic religious behavior.

And while the “Druid's 62 word Rede” is a bit longer that than then short Witches Rede.

It coves both Mandate and purpose. Those that honor the “Druid's Rede's” principles, 
we respect. Those that can and do both fulfill it, these we call Druid. It is my hope that the “Druid's Rede” will become well known internationally as thus serve its purpose.

George King aka TDK (the Druid King).

As the way, it was seen by its author Janice.

One afternoon George was lamenting the laws preventing one from feeding the homeless and how the only way around that giving out water would be a provision in the Non-profit religious statement of purpose that mandated Druids do this. Something simple and short that could be printed out and handed to the police. And while I'm at it, the winning LOTTO numbers would be nice. So, I did what I usually do and simply relaxed and let all those Druids who have come before me dictate the Rede and I think they did a pretty good job.<<Janice Scott-Reeder King

Publications the Rede has been shared in:

Druid Enquire, Beltane Issue Year of the Reform “LIII” May 22, 2015 c.e. Volume 32, Issue 3 

Link to "The Druid's Rede"


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